Second Battle of Geonosis (2)Full unit name: Second Battle of Geonosis
Last updated: 03.11.2022 20:00:43
Basic info
First appearance: The Clone Wars (TV Series)
Relations: Geonosis
The Second Battle of Geonosis took place late in the year 22 BBY during the Clone Wars, when the Jedi Order
Jedi Order
Galaxy-Wide Organizations
and the Galactic Republic launched a full-scale planetary invasion of Geonosis
to shut down several Separatist battle droid foundries that Archduke Poggle the Lesser had built there. Following Senator Padme Amidala
Padme Amidala
Major Characters
's discovery of the droid factories, the Jedi High Council dispatched a massive Jedi-led detachment of the Grand Army of the Republic to retake Geonosis and halt the facilities' production of battle droids. Tasked with the challenge of landing on the planet
Rough landing on Geonosis (BoG2)
(Second Battle of Geonosis)
The Clone Wars
and establishing a staging area, the Jedi mounted a three-pronged attack on the Geonosian
Sentient Species
defenses in what became known as the battle of Point Rain, with Jedi Generals Ki-Adi-Mundi
Supporting Characters
, Obi-Wan Kenobi
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Major Characters
, and Anakin Skywalker
Anakin Skywalker
Major Characters
each leading an assault force. After establishing a landing zone at Point Rain, a site close to the factories' Ray Shield Fortress generator, the Republic army regrouped and disabled the factories' ray shield, making way for the rest of the clone trooper forces to safely land.
While Poggle attempted to retake Point Rain and his Ray Shield Fortress, his main droid foundry was targeted by the Jedi. In order to eliminate the factory, Generals Skywalker and Luminara Unduli
Luminara Unduli
Supporting Characters
battled the facility's droid defenses in open warfare while their respective Padawans, Ahsoka Tano
Ashoka Tano
Major Characters
and Barriss Offee
Barriss Offee
Supporting Characters
, sneaked into the facility via the catacombs beneath it. As their Masters battled Poggle's army - including several newly designed super tanks - on the bridge leading to the factory, the Padawans' infiltration of the foundry was cut short when they were intercepted by Poggle and his tactical droid
T-series Tactical Droid
, TX-21. With their explosive charges stolen, Tano and Offee used a super tank to blow up the facility's reactor and collapse the factory from the inside. Skywalker and Unduli rescued their Padawans from the debris once the foundry had fallen. Despite the Republic's destruction of other key factories, Poggle remained at large, having escaped his primary foundry before its eradication.
As the Jedi undertook the cleanup of Geonosis, they launched a campaign to find and apprehend Poggle. Unduli spearheaded the search and followed Poggle to the abandoned Progate Temple, where she was captured by the archduke and taken to the lair of Geonosian Queen Karina the Great in the catacombs below. Tracking Unduli's last known location, Kenobi and Skywalker set out with a clone platoon to rescue her. Battling hordes of "undead" Geonosian warriors who were being reanimated by the queen's brain worm parasites, the Jedi and their troops found Unduli in Karina's lair. Although Karina wished to induct Unduli and her comrades into her ranks of mind-controlled warriors, Kenobi, Skywalker, and their men were able to save Unduli and take Poggle into custody. The Jedi and their troops destroyed much of the queen's lair during their escape, killing Karina the Great and burying her warriors beneath the temple, and the Republic's recapture of Geonosis was secured.


See also
Events that took place during this period
Rough landing on Geonosis (BoG2)
Related organizations
Jedi Order
Related units, characters and technologies
Luminara Unduli
Complete list

Full unit name: Second Battle of Geonosis Last updated: 03.11.2022 20:00:43